This changes the story’s perspective and gives players a chance to see the “good” side.

Further into the plot, the story shifts and players can command other Star Wars characters. Versio ends up coming face to face with a major character in the Star Wars universe (whom I won’t spoil), and her decision to switch sides felt meaningful. Additionally, the writing in the game was a big plus for me. She was able to have an emotional pull on me and when Versio’s narrative takes a turn, I believed in her. It is Janina Gavankar’s stellar performance that made me relate to Versio the most. After those first few missions however, Versio’s loyalty begins to stray. She is dead set on destroying the Rebels – something players will grasp within the first minutes of gameplay. In the beginning, Versio is the type of soldier that the empire needs. Versio does not question what she is doing – after all, aren’t they just a bunch of rebel scum? This forces players to see things from an Imperial soldiers perspective. Within the very first moments, you head into a bloody battle, unafraid to pull that trigger. What would we do if put in a similar situation? This is what made Versio’s character intriguing for me. EA wanted a character that tread on the line between good and evil – someone who can be taken as both different and relatable to fans. For me, Iden Versio was that character and in a limited amount of time together, I knew I liked her. Fans want to play in the world they want to embody a character, take over a story and kick ass. If you took a look at my previous impression article, EA Studios were given a big task in creating a single-player campaign that would live-up to what the fans of the series wanted. In my eyes, the game started on a high note and sadly, did not live up to my expectations. From that brief two hour gameplay experience, I was hooked and couldn’t wait to see which side Versio would imminently choose in the end. The third chapter ended with a cliffhanger Versio and the rest of the Inferno Squad were going to be shipped back to Vardus. Playing the first three chapters of Star Wars Battlefront II back in October, I was extremely excited to dive deeper into Iden Versio’s story.